Submit this form to sign up as a member of Lauda Musicam of Austin. You can pay by PayPal (or credit card via PayPal without signing up for a PayPal account) now, or give us a check. You can also pay by PayPal (credit card) later, if you change your mind. If you’d like an address to mail a check to, please contact

We’ve had a lot of questions about our fee structure. In short, all monies collected for “online” go to Jody to pay for his time and effort in doing the Tuesday online sessions. This is the same as what Lauda Musicam of Atlanta does (and we’re charging the same fee). The “online” memberships do not contribute towards the money we will pay him (or anyone else) to direct us in person (including directing the group via Zoom on a couple of Thursdays), airfare, and directing the concert. Only the “in-person” fees contribute towards that. The “in-person” fees do not pay for Jody’s time and effort spent in providing the weekly Zoom sessions.


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